Still not totally sure why a well developed, effective search engine optimization strategy is necessary to help your business  drive traffic to your site for a good return on investment?  Search engine optimization, or SEO, is the most fundamental element of online marketing.  Unfortunately, many businesses still do not understand how  SEO works.  SEO is an online marketing technique that causes your website  to rank higher in search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing

When your website is ranked at the top of the search results list, more people find and visit your website.  Without implementing effective SEO, your website is virtually invisible to the world. Today we are going to take a look at some shocking SEO statistics that show just how important SEO is for all businesses.

Google processes 3.5 billion searches per day!

That is 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.  This is an astronomical figure, and it truly illustrates the importance of Google’s market share to businesses.  The bottom line is: Investing in a website for your business is of no benefit if it is not indexed and ranked well by Google.  This brings us right to some more statistics that demonstrate the importance of SEO:

7 Shocking SEO Statistics SEO Services

  1. 93% of Online Experiences Begin With a Search Engine
  2. 70% of Internet Users Find Websites via Search Engines
  3. 50% of all Online Purchases From Websites Are Found via Search Engines
  4. 63% of Internet Users Only Click On The Top 3 Search Results
  5. 40% of Internet Users Only Click On The First Search Result
  6. 67% of of Internet Users Only Click on Organic search results when shopping for products, while only 33% of users click on pay per click ads. 
  7. Organic SEO campaigns have a 40% return on investment while pay per click campaigns only have a 22% return on investment. 

TJB WebMedia is one the fastest growing, highest performing web design and search engine optimization companies in New Jersey!  We specialize in developing personalized effective search engine optimization strategies to drive specifically targeted traffic to your website!  Contact us today to see how you can become our high-ranking clientele and start getting more traffic and more business than ever! 

Call Today for a free NJ SEO Service consultation (732) 463-7835 or fill out our form online.

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